Louis Gudema

Louis Gudema has 30 years of experience helping companies from startups to the Fortune 10 increase leads and sales and surpass their revenue goals. For a dozen years he headed his own digital agency, which he sold in 2009, and then was VP of Business Development for two other digital agencies. He has a channel-agnostic approach to helping companies increase revenue, knowing that for some companies the newest, hottest programs and technologies may not be useful at all — and for others they are the path to the promised land. He also is an advocate for marketing working closely with sales and improving how it reports to the CEO and CFO. Louis has closed and served such accounts as IBM, The Boston Globe, Genzyme Genetics, Philips Healthcare, Partners Healthcare, Avid Technology, Cognos, SpeechWorks, Endeca, and many others, including dozens of educational institutions. Louis is president of Boston’s Sales & Marketing Innovators and mentors startups through the MIT Venture Mentoring Service and has blogged for such publications as the Harvard Business Review, Content Marketing Institute, MarketingProfs, TechTarget, IDG Connect, Econsultancy and many others.

Session: 105 The 5 Principles and 7 Tools Essential to Building Leads
