Using Google+ to Do an End Run Around Your Competition

Date: 5/13/2015
Start Time: 2:00:00
End Time: 2:50:00
Session Number: 205

Speaker(s): Mark Traphagen

You may have heard that Google+ is dead or dying. But to paraphrase Mark Twain, rumors of its death are greatly exaggerated. In this presentation, Google+ expert Mark Traphagen will give you the facts about why Google is long-term committed to Google+. More importantly, he will show how savvy businesses can make use of Google+ to do a social media and search engine end run around other social networks that are already glutted with “me too” messages from your competition. Mark joined Google+ on its third day of existence, and has spent every day since researching its powerful but little-known abilities to create highly-targeted reach. In this presentation he unlocks those secrets for you, and gives you a point-by-point strategy to exploit the hidden powers of Google+.