
Do you crave to be part of something big, messy and exciting? Then you will be a great addition to the team of volunteers at the Digital Marketing for Business conference.

Current Volunteer Opportunities

Room MCs/Introduce Speakers

Duties: Introduce speakers at the beginning of their session, signal speaker near end of time, close session and thank speaker.

To volunteer, add your name to the session you would like to MC. Please sign up for blocks of two consecutive sessions.

Live Tweeting

Duties: The focus of our team is to engage conference attendees through social media. This includes tweeting your thoughts during a presentation, retweeting others, responding to comments or opinions and quoting worthy information you hear. Pictures and longer form posts will do very well on Google+. This will all be done through your voice, representing your brand. You will sit at the Social Media table at the front of the session room.

To volunteer, add your name to the session you would like to Live Tweet.

Fill in the form below so we can get in touch with you asap.

Look at this slide presentation to learn about the DMFB show and its 34 committees:

DMFB Show and Committees OverviewView Slideshare presentation

DMFB Committee List – a list of the committee names with descriptions

Volunteer Interest Form

    Please choose up to 5 committees.