Digital Marketing for Business – DMFB Raleigh invites qualified press to attend the Southeast’s largest digital marketing and video show.
Qualified press receive press passes which provide access to conference events, show activities, and to the press room.
Press Credentials and Policies:
Applicants for press registration must show employment by or assignment for a business or marketing related publication or program that is previously established, independent and regularly updated with original industry-related news.
Press accreditation is reserved for working members of the press only. This includes editors, reporters, and industry analysts.
Press Registration:
To register for a press pass, email to [email protected] and include:
- Information about the publication you contribute to
- Link to an article or publication within the last 6 months
Press Contacts:
Kim Adamof
Director of Marketing
[email protected]
Lawrence Harte
Conference Host
[email protected]
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